A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development Process - BigStep Technologies
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A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development Process

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development has been on the rise for years. This subcategory of Software Development specifically refers to applications that run on mobile devices.

Mobile apps are built for different operating systems like iOS and Android. By leveraging the built-in features of smartphones, apps offer a better user experience compared to mobile web browsing.

More than 78% of people worldwide own a smartphone. What are people doing on these devices? They use apps. These apps fall into a wide variety of categories, including gaming apps, music apps, calendars, communication apps, and more.

Creating an app is a great business decision. But first, you need to understand the mobile app development process. So here’s your guide to Mobile App Development Process to help you out.

What is Mobile App Development?

Mobile Application Development or simply Mobile App Development is the process used to create software for smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices. The overall process includes writing the code to create the software and designing the application.

Mobile App Development is similar to developing other software, including web applications. But the biggest difference between Mobile App Development and traditional Software Development is the ability of mobile apps to use native features on the device.

The Mobile App Development process

The Mobile App Development process is simple when you break it down into different steps. If you want to create apps, follow the formula below:

1. Refine the idea and strategy

Before starting any software development, you need to brainstorm your ideas first. Some of you may already have a basic idea or concept. Others may be starting from scratch.

It’s easy to get carried away during the brainstorming process. But it is essential to stick to the app’s basic features. Forget unnecessary add-ons or “niceties” that detract from the app’s primary function.

2. Market research

Market research is an important step that you cannot afford to skip or rush. You don’t want to spend time and money developing an idea only to realize the market doesn’t need it. So you can save yourself a lot of money by figuring this out before you start building anything.

3. Create your UX design

The mobile app design process is another key part of the process. Start thinking about how your app will look and feel. Start drawing some sketches and create wireframes to see how the app will work.

Focusing on user experience must be a top priority. You need to make sure that the user interface is seamless and easy to use.

4. Application development

Now it’s time to actually build the app. This includes all back-end technologies, APIs, and front-end development. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Choose your development method.
  • Build your development team.
  • Appoint a project manager.
  • Set a timeline with milestones and goals.
  • Be agile and prepare for change.

5. Selection of technology stack

The details of all the technologies and tools that will be used in your mobile app and its development (its technology stack) will likely be decided by your development team. But before that point, you have to make some strategic decisions about the technology.

Hybrid or Native?

Mobile apps fall into 2 main technology categories:

  1. Native apps that are tailored for a specific operating system – Android or iOS. In the case of native iOS apps, they are also built for a specific hardware setup – the iPhone. This means they can directly access and use the mobile device’s processor and other parts of the hardware, such as the microphone and camera.
  2. Hybrid apps that are designed to be compatible with mobile devices that run on both Android and iOS with minimal modifications to the code, which is typically 90% identical for both versions. The downside to this cross-platform compatibility is that hybrid mobile apps can’t use the device’s processor, so they rely on the internet browser instead.

6. Testing

Before the application is launched, you need to make sure that it actually works. App testing is when you find bugs, glitches, and anything else that needs to be cleaned up before it gets into the hands of your customers.

No app is perfect. The purpose of your testing is to create a functional application that works without crashing so users can enjoy the experience.

7. Post development stages

If we think of a mobile app as a standalone business, it often is, but even if it has the support function that the analogy holds, it’s clear that the app alone is not enough to run a business. Every business needs customers and every application needs users. And they need to know it exists and be sold on using it.

Getting the mobile app on phones is the first step. The second is to encourage its use.

8. Promote your app

The best marketing and promotion strategy to achieve this will vary greatly depending on the type of app you’ve developed. If your app brings added value to existing customers, you have the advantage of an already open communication channel and hopefully brand trust.

Or your application may be for internal organizational use. It’s probably the easiest kind of app to promote and get people to use, but it still shouldn’t be underestimated as a challenge. You will still need an effective promotion and follow-up strategy.

Final words

With our complete guide to Mobile App Development Process, you should now have a strong overview of the mobile app market and the decision-making stages of Mobile App Development, pre-development, development, and post-launch.

We hope you learned the basics to avoid the most common pitfalls of Mobile App Development, and now have a checklist of everything to consider and decide at different stages of the process.

In case you still have questions or you wish to know more about the process, please feel free to write to us at info@bigsteptech.com

karishma Verma

Content writer with a passion to write for a variety of niches to broaden my horizon as a professional writer.

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